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We have six UK residential centres all located in areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Lake District
The Highlands
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I attended Moray in April/May 1974. I was at a Civil Engineering College in Norfolk, so was used to being away from home. 8 of us from the college travelled up…
I was an 18 yr. Old Police Cadet from Gloucestershire, when I attended the Outward Bound Mountain School at Eskdale in the Lake District. The Course was E. 142…
E 297
I went on a 21 day Outward Bound Course at Loch Eil in 1985 sponsored by Bells Scotch Whisky of Perth. As a 16 year old school boy we were offered a…
Hi, I was sent on an outward bound course by my employer, the John Lewis partnership, in 1970 or 71. I was 16 and the venue was Holne Park in Devon. The…
I was an apprentice with Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line at Odyssey Works in Birkenhead when I was selected to go to Aberdovey Outward Bound Sea School in…
The OBSS at Aberdovey was like a holiday camp for the Cadets from HMS "Conway"� in July 1945. The war had just ended and, of course, rationing would be in…
My husband, Andrew William McCall attended the Moray Sea School Outward Bound Course on the Prince Louis from 27th August 1961 to 20th (I think) September…
I was nine in April 1979 and I think I was on one of the youngest courses. I had often been away with cubs camping so being away from home was not an issue.…
My experience at Outward Bound has lasted a lifetime. The group I was in was co-ed "Nansen" with Jonti as the leader, and I had the distinction of being the…
I was chosen to attend Outward Bound by my school in Oldham, and funded by the LEA. Back then it was a real honour to get on the course and I landed in Devon…
I have many fond?! memories of my time at Aberdovey during a very cold February in the early sixties. I suspect things may be different today, but then the…