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We have six UK residential centres all located in areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Lake District
The Highlands
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Do we still need graduates?
My name is Graham Cooke and I attended an Outward Bound course in 1980. I believe it was at the Rhowniar Centre though I understand it was known generally as…
I attended Outward Bound Sea School at Burghead Morayshire, Scotland in 1959.My company sent me there at the age of 17. I had already been in employment for…
I attended Burghead on CourseM152 from 20th September to 16th October of 1965 at the behest of my would be employer Alfred Holt and co (who operated the Blue…
Somewhere I have some photographs that have the course date etc, however one thing that stood out was when Drake Watch were to do their spell on the Prince…
Memorable experiences at Eskdale were immediate,maybe even on the first day when we walked locally and stopped on a bridge over a rapid mountain stream far…
I attended a 28 day course at Ullswater on or about Boxing Day, 1962. I seem to recall the course number was U75. I was in Mummery Patrol. It was the most…
I attended the school sponsored by the RAF as a "warm-up" for my basic training as aircrew. Reading my log shows that some of it was hard, some of it was…
I was on course 4100 in 1965 at Ullswater and have an enormous amount to thank Outward Bound for; it led directly to me moving up to Cumbria in 1985 to be…
49 years on I can honestly say that the experience of my Outward Bound course in 1967 made a lasting, positive impact on me and my life. I am a geologist by…